A Centre for the Well Being of the Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual

‘I’ am not the body. ‘I’ am not the mind. ‘I’ am not the thought
I AM THAT I AM , I AM THE SOUL (Atman) – an element of the ‘Brahman’ – The Absolute Reality
I, the formless, the imperceptible and the unknowable Spiritual Self is my only true identity
MY ultimate aim is – to ‘EVOLVE’ and unite with the Brahman – to experience eternal bliss ‘ANANDAM’
The Anandam is MY essential and original nature

Our Core Philosophy

‘‘Higher than the sense are the objects of sense, Higher than the mind is the intellect (buddhi)
Higher than the objects of sense is the mind (manas), Higher than the intellect is the Great Self (¯atman).’’

As given in the Upanishads, the soul is embodied in FIVE LAYERS known as KOSHAS. These layers give the soul a presence in the form of a physical body that breathes, a mind that thinks and emotions and intellect that acts. To help our soul align with its true nature of ‘Anandam’ and to ultimately unite with the ‘Brahman’, we need to live our life appropriately at each level or kosha.

Ancient Vedic literature asserts – ‘Infinity alone can satisfy man’. Achieving infinity is possible only when each kosha is potentially open and accessible to the individual. As the koshas are penetrated, by reflecting inwardly, we go down towards the depth of consciousness and towards ANANDAM.

The Wellness of each Kosha is the Key to achieve Alignment of the Soul with its true nature –

This is our Core Philosophy at Kosha Wellness

Achieving Holistic Wellness Of Koshas ​


Therapeutic Energy Healing

At Kosha Wellness, we endeavor to help achieve holistic wellness through Therapeutic Energy Healing, as detailed and propagated by the great Grand Master Chao Kok Sui. Therapeutic Energy Healing is a highly developed and tested system of energy medicine that utilizes prana to balance, harmonize and transform the body’s energy processes. It is based on the fundamental principle that the body is self repairing living entity and has the capability to heal itself. When life force or prana is applied on an affected part, it accelerates the self-healing mechanism. learn more

Therapeutic Yoga

Therapeutic Yoga combines the power of Energy healing concepts with traditional Hatha Yoga (Asana and Pranayama). When utilized individually, Energy Healing and Hatha Yoga produce great results but it takes time before realizing the benefits. By combining both in a session the results achieved are manifold and quick. This integrated and holistic approach works simultaneously on the physical body, energy body, emotions and the mind resulting in wholesome benefits at all levels. This yoga is integrated with Twin Heart Meditation, which is known all over the world for tremendous Psychological, Sociological and Psychospiritual Benefits. The end result is not only healing of medical conditions but also increased focus, productivity, contentment, happiness, inner peace and joy. learn more

Heal your Life

Louise Hay is an icon in the self-help movement. Her fundamental message, the importance of loving yourself, has transformed the lives of millions. Using the techniques described in her book, Louise transcended her abusive upbringing to create a life dedicated to helping others learn how to let go of limiting beliefs and create the life of their dreams learn more

Kosha Wellness Tools​​

This Kosha is used as a tool to enhance inner awareness and expand direct knowledge and self-control. Through Hatha yoga the body becomes a sensitive instrument and leads to a greater awareness of its levels and functions of the mind making one realize the significant dimension of pure consciousness, the spiritual self.

Tools to achieve wellness of Annamaya Kosha:

  • Therapeutic Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Tibetans Rites
  • Surya Namaskar
  • THM
  • Aromatherapy
  • Affirmations
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Twin Heart Meditation
  • Pranic Healing

Prana is a subtle life force energy flowing in us. The Pranamaya kosha consists of inner, outer and health auras, chakras, meridians and health rays.

Tools to achieve wellness:

  • Therapeutic Yoga
  • Pranayama
  • Breath awareness with asanas
  • Mudras
  • THM
  • Aromatherapy
  • Affirmations
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Twin Heart Meditation (Self Healing)
  • Pranic Healing (Basic & Advanced Courses)

Manomaya kosha refers to the mental body or the level of processing thoughts and emotions that directly control the energetic and physical bodies.

Tools to achieve wellness:

  • Therapeutic Yoga
  • Mantra chanting
  • Forgiveness Prayer
  • Pratyahara leading to meditation
  • THM
  • Aromatherapy
  • Affirmations
  • Yog Nidra
  • Twin Heart Meditation (Chakral Healing)
  • Pranic Healing (Psychotherapy)

Vijnanamaya Kosha is identified as “higher” mental faculty, it represents not only ‘cognition’ but also ‘intellect’ and ‘wisdom’.

Tools to achieve wellness:

  • Therapeutic Yoga
  • ‘I Am that I Am’ Affirmation
  • THM
  • Aromatherapy
  • Affirmations
  • Yog Nidra
  • Twin Heart Meditation (Chakral Healing)
  • Blue Pearl Meditation
  • Book Study
  • Inner Reflection & Firm Resolution
  • Pranic Healing (Psychotherapy)
  • Yogic lifestyle
  • Contemplation

The Anandamaya Kosha is the most important because it’s the final veil between our ordinary awareness and our higher self.

Tools to achieve wellness:

  • Therapeutic Yoga
  • Invocation
  • THM
  • Sharanagati
  • Higher Meditations
  • Tithing & Service
  • Twin Heart Meditation
Our Services